Zane Burke

Zane Burke is president of Cerner

By Zane Burke 10:49 am February 16, 2017
Today, organizational population health management strategies typically focus on improved care coordination, communication and analytics. But there is a growing emphasis on consumer empowerment and access to promote person-centered care.
By Zane Burke 10:02 am February 15, 2017
Patients will always receive care across multiple venues, and that means healthcare providers must learn how to exchange data. Application programming interfaces are the way forward for interoperability.
By Zane Burke 09:03 am February 14, 2017
Consumerism is no longer a buzzword in healthcare, says Cerner President Zane Burke. As the industry continues to shift, providers should evaluate the care delivery process from the front-end to back-end to identify opportunities for improvement with the consumer in mind.
By Zane Burke 01:30 pm February 13, 2017
The health IT industry is diligently working to understand and address the evolution of the healthcare consumer. But it is still a reactive response, rather than the proactive and strategic approach that's needed.

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