
Direct primary care physician using an EHR
By Mike Miliard 11:39 am September 25, 2023
It will leverage OpenAI's large language models to help the direct primary care physicians using Hint's platform have more time with patients and spend less time taking notes, the companies say.
Dr. Vinay Vaidya at Phoenix Children’s on data management
By Bill Siwicki 11:11 am September 20, 2023
Among its success stories, the health system built an app that identifies more than 10 patients each week with potential malnutrition who then are referred to nutritionists.
Oracle Health booth at HIMSS23
By Mike Miliard 11:15 am September 19, 2023
The Oracle Clinical Digital Assistant tool can also respond to conversational voice prompts from clinicians, the company says, as it aims to "reduce mundane work that leads to burnout."
Patient observing physician on iPad during telehealth
By Bill Siwicki 10:45 am September 18, 2023
Electronic-reported outcomes appearing in clinicians' EHR workflow can help inform the ways providers deliver care and achieve better outcomes, says one oncology software exec.
A surgeon checking a monitor in the operating room
By Adam Ang 03:14 am September 18, 2023
It has helped find 231 additional full-day surgery blocks in OR trials.
A stethoscope resting on a tablet
By Andrea Fox 10:51 am September 15, 2023
As chief strategy officer for 1upHealth, the former national coordinator for health IT and interoperability guru gets a lot of feedback from industry stakeholders. Here are some of the questions, comments and concerns he's hearing.
Healthcare IT executives meeting
By Mike Miliard 10:48 am September 14, 2023
A report from Bain and KLAS sees 80% of chief information officers and other tech leaders boosting their investments in software and digital tools. They've got rev cycle and clinical workflows top of mind, but their AI plans are still coming into focus.
St John of God Midland staff
By Adam Ang 11:08 pm September 13, 2023
It can now accurately measure and track real-time capacity and demand across wards and departments.
A doctor consulting with a specialist via laptop
By Adam Ang 02:47 am September 12, 2023
It also facilitates contracts and payments between them.
Epic trade show sign
By Mike Miliard 11:23 am September 11, 2023
The Salt Lake City health system cites "significantly higher" provider satisfaction scores as it moves to a single electronic health record. UPMC's switch to Epic for inpatient care by 2026, meanwhile, will be "transformative," says its CIO.