
By Bill Siwicki 10:53 am October 09, 2023
Telehealth should not be viewed as a technology first – it should be looked upon as a workflow solution and driver of unused capacity, says a healthcare consultant with new virtual care survey results.
A virtual simulation of a patient transfer on the TACTICS VR programme
By Adam Ang 11:12 pm October 05, 2023
Also, Silverchain has adopted Datos Health's RPM platform as part of its virtual care delivery.
Clinician speaking on video conference
By Andrea Fox 11:07 am October 04, 2023
The new artificial intelligence tools could help staff and team members who may be in different time zones catch up on missed meetings, improve their productivity and work together more effectively, the company says.
Brian Esterly of TimeDoc Health on chronic care management
By Bill Siwicki 11:14 am October 03, 2023
More patients with chronic disease. Fewer providers to take care of them. An aging population. SDOH barriers. Telemedicine and remote patient monitoring are essential tools to help manage these healthcare hurdles, an expert says.
Person waving to doctor on laptop screen
By Jeff Lagasse 10:36 am October 03, 2023
Older Americans are facing some barriers to adoption, including struggles with digital channels, access and ease of use.
A doctor having a virtual call with a patient
By Adam Ang 03:11 am October 02, 2023
South Australian women experiencing signs of early pregnancy loss no longer have to wait in the ED to be assessed.
Dr. Richard Tytus on telehealth and EHRs
By Bill Siwicki 10:58 am September 29, 2023
The use of telemedicine technology that lends itself well to combination with in-person care is bringing many benefits to the family clinic of Dr. Richard Tytus.
Boston Longwood Medical and Academic Area
By Mike Miliard 11:26 am September 27, 2023
The technology will lay the "groundwork for future healthcare innovations," says the hospital's CIO, with a scalable network able to support in-home remote patient monitoring and AI-enabled specialist prioritization.
Pregnant person talking on the phone
By Jessica Hagen 03:14 pm September 26, 2023
Rightway will integrate the New York-based company's hybrid fertility and reproductive care platform into its ecosystem partnership program.
Dr. Bob Booth of TimelyCare on rural telehealth
By Bill Siwicki 10:35 am September 26, 2023
The overall provider shortage, combined with other unique factors, means rural residents have the odds stacked against them when it comes to seeking mental and behavioral healthcare. But one expert says telehealth can make a big difference.