Precision Medicine

Buyers Guide Population Health Platform
By Bill Siwicki 11:08 am August 31, 2016
Health IT managers who have installed population health platforms in their organizations advise that you pay careful attention to these features before buying.
Precision medicine momentum HIMSS
By Jessica Davis 10:46 am August 31, 2016
As hospitals shift into patient risk assessment from disease prevention, the need for precision medicine tools will grow, a new HIMSS Analytics study found.
NIH Hopkins FSU Zika
By Jessica Davis 10:18 am August 31, 2016
The research team found two groups that can stop the virus from replicating and protect fetal brain cells.
By Mike Miliard 04:58 pm August 22, 2016
Researchers from University of Pittsburgh and UPMC say they're encouraged by what may one day be a new tool to help battle cancer and heart disease: an ultrasound-enabled genetic therapy called sonoporation.
FHIR API precision medicine
By Mike Miliard 09:31 am August 17, 2016
By helping spot gene-based drug interactions, Translational Software says the interface could spur more routine clinical use of genomic data.
precision medicine analytics EHR
By John Andrews 07:05 am August 15, 2016
The promise of genomics and personalized care are closer than many realize. But clinical systems and EHRs are not ready yet. While policymakers and innovators play catch-up, here’s a look at what to know now. 
IBM Watson precision medicine
By Bernie Monegain 09:56 am August 12, 2016
Twenty one hospitals will use the supercomputer and the Watson for Oncology software piloted by Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York to offer personalized care for cancer patients.
Accolade health concierge
By Bernie Monegain 10:21 am August 11, 2016
The startup’s technology platform combines data science with analytics, clinical expertise, mobile tools to create personalization and engagement, CEO Rajeev Singh said.
Memorial Caris precision medicine
By Beth Jones Sanborn 11:41 am August 10, 2016
Memorial Health will help develop standards of care and best practices for integrating molecular biology into oncology care, the companies said, and increase personalized medicine practices.
By Jessica Davis 10:30 am August 09, 2016
The university aims to make genetic testing a regular part of healthcare using Google's Cloud Platform and informatics.