Future-proofing precision medicine

Precision med is about to have its breakout moment

Here's the low-down: Despite the massive leaps forward in knowledge since the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003, the healthcare industry has yet to grapple with the big changes to people, processes and technology needed to truly capitalize on precision medicine.

From EHRs to interoperability to clinical decision support, healthcare as an industry does not have the technological infrastructure in place yet to advance precision med. But that's all about to change — and quickly.

This special project looks at what the healthcare industry must do to get to the point where care is more personalized than ever.

Essential reports and insights

Future-proofing precision medicine
Precision medicine is no longer just a buzzword, so teams must prime their infrastructure and...
By Mike Miliard |
Future-proofing precision medicine
For research and clinical trials to succeed, it requires clearing some big hurdles – notably...
By Mike Miliard |
Researcher looking at data on a monitor
Bryce Olson, global marketing director, health and life sciences at Intel Corp., discusses the data...
By Intel |

Resources to rely on

Future-proofing precision medicine
Here's the bottom line: Physicians, patients, IT staff and researchers all have a role to play.
By Mike Miliard |
HIMSS survey reveals budget, data integration, lack of clinical expertise are concerns.
By Intel |
Increasing number of providers are looking at in-house and third-party resources to support...
By Intel |
HIMSS Analytics survey indicates focus on Infrastructure, funding and human capital.
By Intel |
White Papers / Webinar
Most healthcare providers believe precision medicine is important to the health and well-being of...
By Intel |

News and features to help you prepare

state of precision medicine
The ability to sequence the human genome to predict chronic diseases is the Star Wars part but the...
By Susan Morse |
genetic testing
Some would pay as much as $1,000 for genomic sequencing offered through employer health plans.
By Mike Miliard |
System appoints Huntington F. Willard appointed to lead program’s expansion across the U.S.
By Bernie Monegain |
EHRs genomic data
In some cases, more data is needed to draw conclusions, and in others, the tech just isn’t...
By Mike Miliard |
precision medicine
As genomic tests and therapies advance, proliferate and get easier to administer, the group wants...
By Mike Miliard |
New precision medicine tools
More and more vendors are introducing tools for specific precision medicine capabilities and that...
By Bill Siwicki |
Kristin Pothier
Author Kristin Ciriello Pothier saw first-hand how hopeless cancer can be, but today she’s on...
By Bernie Monegain |
 precision medicine breakthrough is about apps, not EHRs
Beth Israel Deaconess and Providence St. Joseph Health are building their own apps to transform...
By Tom Sullivan |