Paddy Padmanabhan

Paddy Padmanabhan is founder and CEO of Damo Consulting, a growth strategy and digital transformation advisory firm that works with healthcare enterprises and global technology companies. He is the host of The Big Unlock, a podcast focusing on healthcare digital transformation, and author of the book, The Big Unlock: Harnessing Data and Growing Digital Health Businesses in a Value-Based Era.

A telemedicine appointment via smartphone
By Paddy Padmanabhan 12:36 pm July 11, 2022
Smart health systems are realizing that they must think about their sustainable growth strategies in terms of end-to-end user experience.
A person texting
By Paddy Padmanabhan 01:03 pm May 20, 2022
As a high-flying startup ecosystem comes back down to earth, health systems with the financial resources will be able to double down on their digital transformation efforts.
By Paddy Padmanabhan 01:23 pm February 28, 2022
While RPA has proved its success for some administrative functions, other technologies are emerging as options to help address the worker shortage and reduce workload in clinical and operational areas.
By Paddy Padmanabhan 12:24 pm January 20, 2022
As ambient technologies improve, additional use cases to leverage voice will emerge – that leaves us with the question of how patients and physicians are responding to voice-enabled tools in their healthcare encounters.
Google office corridor
By Paddy Padmanabhan 03:23 pm August 23, 2021
With Google Health and Apple both reported to be, respectively, closing down and scaling back their healthcare efforts, it's worth asking just how disruptive consumer technology companies can be in this hugely complex and fragmented industry.
By Paddy Padmanabhan 11:15 am August 02, 2021
The ongoing wave of mergers and acquisitions makes sense for startups and their VC backers. What does it mean for CIOs at their health system customers?
Employees at a tech startup
By Paddy Padmanabhan 12:50 pm July 08, 2021
Health system CIOs are reducing their tech footprint and consolidating their IT systems for agility and efficiency. For digital health startups to succeed in this space, they must get three factors right: cost, scale and quality.
Amazon logo
By Paddy Padmanabhan 03:09 pm March 18, 2021
With its promise of virtual care in all 50 states, this is the first time a big tech firm will be directly in the healthcare services business. Will it be another failed experiment, or the breakthrough we've been waiting for?
Doctor and Patient telehealth visit
By Paddy Padmanabhan 02:55 pm December 09, 2020
Mature health systems recognize the importance of context and design virtual care programs accordingly. Telehealth looks different for millennials and retirees, rural and urban patients and population groups with fundamentally different healthcare needs.
By Paddy Padmanabhan 12:47 pm October 28, 2020
A few months ago, who would have thought that going into a hospital or clinic to meet with your doctor would be considered a high-risk experience? And yet, here we are.

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