Network Infrastructure

A doctor and healthcare workers race a patient on a gurney down a hospital corridor.
By Andrea Fox 08:58 am August 22, 2023
Multiple awards for proposals to buttress digital health technology security, improve the fitness of healthcare analytics and strengthen healthcare software development are possible, according to the BAA. 
Phone with a VPN logo on screen
By Andrea Fox 11:00 am August 18, 2023
Leading the list, jointly developed by CISA and international cybersecurity agencies based on their observations of bad actors in 2022, is a vulnerability in Fortinet SSL VPNs that many healthcare organizations have still failed to patch.
AWS Industry Quest: Healthcare training program screenshot
By Andrea Fox 10:58 am August 14, 2023
More than 30 programs aim to address the healthcare skills gap. Individual and enterprise developers can practice everything from automating prior auth forms to deriving AI/ML-driven insights from healthcare data.
A group of healthcare professionals are meeting in front of a laptop to discuss cybersecurity.
By Andrea Fox 03:06 pm August 09, 2023
"We will work with a variety of partners across government and industry to promote adoption and take steps to align incentives that address constraints limiting further progress," the agency said in its new strategic plan.
Code appears in the foreground over hands on a laptop.
By Andrea Fox 07:50 am August 09, 2023
The group – whose ransom note reportedly mimics a customer support ticket – may use a phishing attack to breach health systems' networks or drop payloads across compromised systems after first deploying Cobalt Strike or other frameworks.
A monitor in the foreground and three surgeons appear in the background.
By Andrea Fox 11:00 am August 08, 2023
Researchers found that vulnerabilities for the software and firmware powering medical devices and other health IT applications increased significantly – and nearly four times as many of these vulnerabilities are being weaponized compared to last year.
An artist's impression of the new Footscray Hospital
By Adam Ang 09:57 pm August 03, 2023
It will support its delivery of improved patient care and operational efficiency.
Hands work at a laptop showing code onscreen.
By Andrea Fox 10:41 am August 03, 2023
Also: The Cl0p ransomware gang leaks CareSource patient data.
VA Palo Alto Health Care System
By Mike Miliard 11:31 am July 25, 2023
The private network, powered by Verizon, will enable 3D X-ray vision, augmented and virtual reality, digital twins and other data-intensive clinical innovations for veterans.
Interior of the new Mentor Hospital, which has a 5G private network
By Andrea Fox 11:28 am July 24, 2023
In the future, a private 5G network could function like today's wired network connections, according to Shibu Thomas, the health system's chief technology officer.