Mike Miliard

Mike Miliard is Executive Editor of Healthcare IT News. He focuses on topics such as interoperability, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, analytics, population health and patient experience and is responsible for overall coverage decisions.

Stethoscope on tablet
By Mike Miliard 10:20 am July 21, 2023
Eddie Ades, executive advisor at Booz Allen Hamilton and former associate director at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, discusses the agency's efforts to refocus on interoperability and data modernization.
CIO meets with clinical staff in hospital
By Mike Miliard 10:27 am July 20, 2023
Advanced analytics, 5G networks, artificial intelligence and remote patient monitoring are among the top clinical spending priorities for hospital IT leaders, according to a new brief from IDC and Redox.
HCA Healthcare
By Mike Miliard 11:21 am July 18, 2023
Plaintiffs say the apparent theft of identity and other information announced this past week, which could impact as many as 11 million people, happened because the health system did not use "reasonable security procedures and practices."
Gavel and hand signing paper
By Mike Miliard 09:57 am July 17, 2023
The electronic health record vendor was accused by the DOJ of "misrepresenting the capabilities of certain versions of its EHR software" and providing kickbacks to customers to drive new sales.
A stethoscope resting on a tablet
By Mike Miliard 02:12 pm July 14, 2023
The CEO of CRISP discusses how health information exchanges, regional health networks and others are collaborating to build out the interoperability ecosystem and enable more effective sharing of critical clinical and public health data.
Abstract of a padlock
By Mike Miliard 10:21 am July 11, 2023
The health system says the patient data, which was posted online, includes names, phone numbers and appointment information, but not clinical or payment info.
A physician dictates a clinical note using ambient voice technology
By Mike Miliard 11:17 am June 27, 2023
By expanding DAX Express, hosted in Microsoft's Azure OpenAI, into EHR workflows, the goal is to reduce "what used to be hours of time for clinical documentation to mere seconds," says one CIO.
Nurse at computer
By Mike Miliard 10:40 am June 22, 2023
The newest batch of health systems to receive funding to examine their clinicians' patterns of electronic health record use include Brigham and Women’s, MedStar, UCSF and Yale School of Medicine.
Mayo Clinic CIO discusses AI onstage at HIMSS23 in April
By Mike Miliard 11:25 am June 08, 2023
The health system is prioritizing "patient safety, privacy and ethical considerations" as it pushes forward to realize positive impacts from artificial intelligence and machine learning, says CIO Cris Ross.
Electrocardiogram analysis represented by a reading on a screen
By Mike Miliard 09:49 am June 07, 2023
The research, which builds on a training approach similar to that of ChatGPT, uses image-based modeling for ECG analysis – potentially enabling more effective heart function assessment and diagnosis of heart attacks and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

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