John Loonsk

Person helping another
By John Loonsk 04:25 am August 31, 2015
Health IT interoperability is hard. But is it really as hard as it is being made out to be?
Maze of roads
By John Loonsk 11:06 am April 06, 2015
Despite all the recent industry-wide discussion, objective measures suggest that health IT interoperability is still only barely simmering, says John Loonsk, MD.
By John Loonsk 02:15 pm December 05, 2014
It is a simple question: “Why doesn’t electronic health information flow after the nation spent $26 billion on electronic health records?" Suggesting a 10-year timeframe or arguing that there is progress if you look hard enough just doesn’t answer it.
Doctor with stethoscope and medical icons
By John Loonsk 07:45 am October 22, 2014
The Ebola cases in the United States, despite their limited numbers, have generated considerable discussion and anxiety. But the focus on EHRs in these discussions does not recognize more prominent health IT needs when it comes potential outbreaks, nor the ways we have yet to meet most of these needs with incentives and infrastructure.
By John Loonsk 08:12 am October 21, 2014
Perhaps the Ebola crisis can help focus appropriate attention on some of the non-EHR aspects of health IT, and bring population health capabilities that can support outbreak management to the fore.
By John Loonsk 08:09 am September 23, 2014
ONC's 10-year interoperability plan will help, but only once the nation knows where it wants to go so it can use the roadmap to get there. Until then, interoperability will suffer.
Frustrated doctor at laptop
By John Loonsk 07:19 am September 22, 2014
It is a simple question: "Why doesn't electronic health information flow after the nation spent $26 billion on electronic health records?" Suggesting a 10-year timeframe or arguing that there is progress if you look hard enough just doesn't answer it.
By John Loonsk 11:44 am June 26, 2014
So, you dropped a huge chunk of change on a new IT system. Now you are frustrated and have buyer's regret. The "installation requirements" are very complex.
Reboot button
By John Loonsk 08:03 am May 29, 2014
More than 30 billion dollars have been spent. And while it is reasonable that many HIT outcomes are still unfulfilled, the path forward seems murky. EHR adoption has surged, but much of what has been broken about health IT in the United States still remains, writes John Loonsk, MD. That's why he's urging a hard reboot.
By John Loonsk 07:56 am May 29, 2014
What with EHR interoperability limited on multiple levels, many stakeholders calling for significant changes, even ONC eyeing internal reorganization, here's a collection of suggestions about how best to proceed now.

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