Jessica Sabbah

Jessica Sabbah is New Media Producer at HIMSS Media.

Healthcare IT News LinkedIn
By Jessica Sabbah 09:35 am June 05, 2015
There's a new way to connect with Healthcare IT News. Stay up to date with the latest industry news while networking with other industry professionals. Our LinkedIn Showcase Page features articles, data and discussions about what matters most to our readers.
By Jessica Sabbah 08:21 am September 18, 2014
The Healthcare IT News/HIMSS Media Privacy & Security Forum in Boston featured 47 speakers who shared info and strategized over how to combat cybercrime and other pressing challenges to patient data. Here are four takeaways from the event.
By Jessica Sabbah 02:33 pm September 17, 2014
The Healthcare IT News/HIMSS Media Privacy & Security Forum in Boston featured 47 speakers who shared info and strategized over how to combat cybercrime and other pressing challenges to patient data. Here are four takeaways from the event.

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