By Jeff Marion 07:42 pm April 15, 2015
Wednesday highlights from HIMSS15 in Chicago including the George W. Bush keynote.
By Jeff Marion 06:52 pm April 14, 2015
The HIMSS15 Show Floor re-opened Tuesday to over 40,000 attendees.
By Jeff Marion 05:32 pm April 14, 2015
Join Healthcare IT News for an exclusive tour of the most interesting booths on the HIMSS15 Show Floor.
By Jeff Marion 08:24 pm April 13, 2015
HX360, a new HIMSS initiative, attracted healthcare executives with education sessions, live demonstrations and virtual reality gaming.
By Jeff Marion 03:50 pm April 13, 2015
Attendees returned to McCormick place on Monday for another pedal-to-the-metal day of education sessions, demonstrations, and networking. The Healthcare IT News team was there to capture the energy and put together the following visual highlights.
By Jeff Marion 10:15 pm April 12, 2015
The official HIMSS15 mobile app recorded over 15,000 downloads, 5,000 likes, 1,500 comments and 2,500 status updates on the first day of the HIMSS conference. View this slideshow for a recap of the most popular posts submitted by HIMSS15 attendees.
By Jeff Marion 09:18 pm April 12, 2015
HIMSS15 started off with a bang on Sunday with a record number of attendees and exhibitors swarming the hallways of McCormick Place in Chicago.
By Jeff Marion 07:06 pm February 26, 2014
In addition to Hillary Rodham Clinton's keynote address, day three of the HIMSS14 conference proved a treasure-trove of helpful information for attendees attempting to navigate the murky waters of ICD10, meaningful use, and other healthcare laws and regulations.
By Jeff Marion 09:22 pm February 25, 2014
Tuesday's action was not just confined to the show floor with many important events, workshops, and education sessions occurring in auditoriums, meeting rooms, and halls throughout the Orange County Convention Center.
By Jeff Marion 09:10 pm February 25, 2014
The HIMSS14TV crew had another busy day at the Orange County Convention Center on Tuesday speaking with best selling authors, ONC chiefs, CIOs, and billionaire investors.

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