Infographic: 2015 EHR Satisfaction Survey overall results

By Erin McCann
11:54 AM

Healthcare IT News' 2015 EHR Satisfaction Survey is based on ratings, feedback and insight of nearly 400 active EHR users and IT professionals in hospitals and physicians practices across the U.S. Users rated their EHR vendor across nine different metrics. We have each vendor's in-depth scorecards listed below, but check out the overall scores and averages across three macro categories. The highest possible score is a 10. 

Allscripts                           Cerner                          Epic

eClinicalWorks                GE Healthcare           McKesson

MEDITECH                        NextGen                      Siemens

For the EHR Satisfaction Survey cover story and methodology, click here.

For more insight into what our readers like and dislike about their EHRs, click here.

Note: Due to rounding, Allscripts and Cerner tied for third place, but Allscripts scored nearly .5 above Cerner overall without rounding, which is why it's listed as No. 3.

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