Future-proofing security

Hackers are prepping for future attacks. Are you?

Hospital information security teams and IT shops are in a precarious spot: They have to not only protect information cybercriminals increasingly see as more valuable than other types, but they also have to safeguard against the next big threat when it’s impossible to know what it will be or when it might strike. It also doesn't help that new types of attacks are emerging just about every month, too: WannaCry, Petya-NotPetya, Locky, just to name a few.

This special project explains why cybersecurity is top of mind for nearly all healthcare organizations as they plan for the future.

Essential reports and insights

Future-proofing security
Plan for sophisticated threats and evaluate IT tools on the horizon to be as ready as possible for...
By Jessica Davis |
Marin General cybersecurity
Marin General saw a 50 percent reduction in system vulnerabilities just by building a system...
By Jessica Davis |
Less than half of healthcare IT professionals are confident their organization’s overall...
By Commvault |

Resources to rely on

Future-proofing security
For starters, it’s important to routinely check for gaps in your systems, and whether the...
By Jessica Davis |
Ananth Balasubramanian, general manager of worldwide healthcare business at Commvault, is all about...
By Commvault |
A HIMSS Analytics survey reveals that many responents are not confident in their security.
By Commvault |
Healthcare organizations are putting their money where their security concerns are.
By Commvault |
cybersecurity risks and myths
As common half-truths and misperceptions plague information security, we separate truth from...
By Jessica Davis |
In blind surveys and in-depth interviews, HIMSS Analytics asked IT personnel about their current...
By Commvault |
White Papers / Webinar
Based on a recent survey, this paper reveals results that can help providers assess their progress...
By Commvault |
cybersecurity risk
Julia Hesse gets real about the inevitability of a breach and some simple steps for organizations...
By Jessica Davis |

News and features to help you prepare

ransomware attacks
The latest onslaught of ransomware attacks target RDP and JBoss servers using brute force attack...
By Jessica Davis |
Blockchain in healthcare
The federal agency aims to help IT decision makers sift through the hype to make "clear-eyed...
By Mike Miliard |
They’re all in this month’s HIMSS cybersecurity report along with Philips, Siemens and...
By Tom Sullivan |
NHS WannaCry ransomware
The new $27 million project will provide the NHS Security Operations Center with enhanced...
By Jessica Davis |
Implement DMARC
As email spoofing erodes trust in healthcare organizations, industry groups are urging DMARC...
By Bill Siwicki |
By redesigning IT processes with help from Citrix and close input from clinicians, the health...
By Mike Miliard |
cyber threat intelligence
The same strategies used by the U.S. military can be tuned to help healthcare executives stay...
By Bill Siwicki |
hospital breach
Don’t panic, but don’t delay in finding out what has been breached and deciding on a...
By Bill Siwicki |