Government & Policy

Alan Lavergne, vice president of advocacy for the Dallas-Fort Worth HIMSS chapter.
By HIMSS TV 12:00 pm May 22, 2023
Texas chapters are working to advance health equity and other HIMSS goals with the state's legislature, reports Alan Lavergne, vice president of advocacy for the Dallas-Fort Worth HIMSS chapter.
Dr. Hans Kluge, regional director for Europe at the World Health Organization.
By HIMSS TV 06:00 am May 22, 2023
By leveraging the collective power of stakeholders and governments, member states can advance health equity worldwide, says Dr. Hans Kluge, regional director for Europe at the World Health Organization.
Lawrence Voyten, HIMSS board member and national advocacy chair.
By HIMSS TV 12:00 pm May 16, 2023
Encouraging state and regional HIMSS chapters to advocate for healthcare information policies in their area is critical, says Lawrence Voyten, HIMSS board member and national advocacy chair.
Dr. Brian Lein, DHA assistant director of healthcare administration, Bill Tinston, FEHRM director, and Holly Joers PEO DHMS program executive officer
By HIMSS TV 06:00 am May 10, 2023
Military healthcare initiatives, including the common EHR and virtual-first care, are discussed by Dr. Brian Lein, DHA assistant director of healthcare administration, Bill Tinston, FEHRM director, and Holly Joers PEO DHMS program executive officer.
J29 president and founder Tracy Mills and VP of HHS Programs Nick Vass
By HIMSS TV 06:00 am May 05, 2023
J29 supports the "HIMSS Gives Back" initiative and has public and private partnerships central to its mission. J29 president and founder Tracy Mills and VP of HHS Programs Nick Vass offer a deep dive.
Digital Medicine Society CEO Jennifer Goldsack, Moffitt Cancer Center VP of Digital Innovation Santosh Mohan and ONC Senior Advisor Stephen Konya
By HIMSS TV 11:48 am May 01, 2023
Digital Medicine Society CEO Jennifer Goldsack, Moffitt Cancer Center VP of Digital Innovation Santosh Mohan and ONC Senior Advisor Stephen Konya discuss the progress of the Cancer Moonshot initiative.
Drew Ivan, chief strategy officer at Rhapsody
By HIMSS TV 06:00 am May 01, 2023
Healthcare organizations often face challenges with interoperability and cybersecurity regulations – but they can pivot to make those mandates part of their strategic road map, says Drew Ivan, chief strategy officer at Rhapsody.
Matthew Fisher, general counsel at Carium
By HIMSS TV 06:00 am April 10, 2023
The Supreme Court's decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization affected healthcare data and access, as well as other key privacy regulations, says Matthew Fisher, general counsel at Carium, in a preview of his HIMSS23 discussion.
Scott McKeithen, Marleen Welsh and Charles Baschnagel of the Department of Defense Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office
By HIMSS TV 02:07 pm April 05, 2023
A HIMSS23 panel on biosurveillance to help public health officials in pandemics will feature Scott McKeithen, Marleen Welsh and Charles Baschnagel, who work at the Department of Defense Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office.
Benjamin Knisely and Holly Pavliscsak
By HIMSS TV 06:00 am March 22, 2023
Natural language processing, a form of AI, devours all the text in countless pages of healthcare documents to help health IT experts in the U.S. military do their job more efficiently.