Electronic Health Records (EHR, EMR)

Dr. Tim O'Connell, CEO and founder of Emtelligent
By HIMSS TV 06:00 am May 31, 2023
Natural language processing can parse huge volumes of medical records to help providers and payers gain valuable insights. Dr. Tim O'Connell, CEO and founder of Emtelligent, discusses his company's approach.
Robert Stillman, director of clinical and research informatics at the Ohio State University's Wexner Medical Center.
By HIMSS TV 12:00 pm May 26, 2023
AI has the potential to search through volumes of EHR data to find clinical trial candidates, says Robert Stillman, director of clinical and research informatics at the Ohio State University's Wexner Medical Center.
Grace Cordovano, founder of Enlightening Results.
By HIMSS TV 06:00 am May 26, 2023
Patients want more trust, transparency and information sharing from healthcare organizations to guide them in their complex healthcare journey, says Grace Cordovano, founder of Enlightening Results.
Mitchell Thornbrugh, CIO of the Indian Health Service.
By HIMSS TV 12:00 pm May 24, 2023
Native Americans face health disparities and interoperability challenges that make modernizing EHRs in tribal communities a critical need, according to Mitchell Thornbrugh, CIO of the Indian Health Service.
Gregg Church, president of 4medica.
By HIMSS TV 12:00 pm May 18, 2023
Standardizing information capture, including a universal patient identification, can enhance data quality while eliminating the 20% record duplication rate facing healthcare organizations, says Gregg Church, president of 4medica.
Sandra Johnson, SVP of client services for CliniComp.
By HIMSS TV 06:00 am May 18, 2023
To boost retention and reduce burnout, electronic health records should be redesigned to help clinicians rekindle their passion for treating patients and balance their work and life, says Sandra Johnson, SVP of client services for CliniComp.
Lawrence Whittle, CCO at Verana Health
By HIMSS TV 12:00 pm May 15, 2023
Verana Health uses large amounts of structured and unstructured de-identified patient data, including medical images, to inform value-based care models, explains Lawrence Whittle, CCO.
Dr. Brian Lein, DHA assistant director of healthcare administration, Bill Tinston, FEHRM director, and Holly Joers PEO DHMS program executive officer
By HIMSS TV 06:00 am May 10, 2023
Military healthcare initiatives, including the common EHR and virtual-first care, are discussed by Dr. Brian Lein, DHA assistant director of healthcare administration, Bill Tinston, FEHRM director, and Holly Joers PEO DHMS program executive officer.
Danielle Pieloch and Kumar Aditya
By HIMSS TV 01:56 pm April 13, 2023
Danielle Pieloch and Kumar Aditya, who will be speaking at HIMSS23, discuss how a "schedule first, then authorize approach" triggers an automated prior authorization workflow that reduces wait times for radiology services at Atlantic Health System.
Dr. Monique Mansoura, executive director of global health security and biotechnology at MITRE
By HIMSS TV 06:00 am April 06, 2023
Real-world data is key to driving effective response to emerging health threats, says Dr. Monique Mansoura, executive director of global health security and biotechnology at MITRE, who will lead a discussion on the topic at HIMSS23.