Electronic Health Records (EHR, EMR)

By Erin McCann 04:24 pm September 09, 2015
For Healthcare IT News' inaugural 2015 EHR Satisfaction Survey, we heard from nearly 400 EHR end users and IT leaders in hospitals and physician practices across the U.S. to hear their thoughts on their EHRs. Here's how they rated GE Healthcare. 
By Erin McCann 10:05 am September 09, 2015
For Healthcare IT News' inaugural 2015 EHR Satisfaction Survey, we heard from nearly 400 EHR end users and IT leaders in hospitals and physician practices across the U.S. to hear their thoughts on their EHRs. Here's how they rated NextGen. 
By Erin McCann 09:28 am September 09, 2015
For Healthcare IT News' inaugural 2015 EHR Satisfaction Survey, we heard from nearly 400 EHR end users and IT leaders in hospitals and physician practices across the U.S. to hear their thoughts on their EHRs. Here's how they rated MEDITECH. 
By Mike Miliard 01:34 pm September 01, 2015
As hospitals and health systems continue to build their defenses against dangerous new data threats, certain technologies are making bigger, faster impacts than others on their security preparedness.
By Bernie Monegain 09:45 am August 06, 2015
The Commonwealth Fund surveyed primary care physicians to find out what they really think about the changing ways of delivering care. See whether their experience has been positive – or maybe not.
By Healthcare IT News 03:20 pm July 22, 2015
How's this for big data? This chart visualizes every visit for each of nearly 30,000 patients in an ACO, showing the quantity of data that accrues over the course of a year as the episodes of care add up.
By Healthcare IT News 09:57 am April 08, 2015
Representing analytics data mined from an electronic health record, this chart shows the daily technology interaction of a typical physician and her staff: 24 patient visits over 16 hours for a total of 2,541 clicks.
By Erin McCann 11:24 am March 23, 2015
In this infographic, we've compiled a list of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' recently released Stage 3 objectives for hospitals. Click image to enlarge.
By Mike Miliard 03:58 pm March 12, 2015
As they work on the front lines of healthcare, nurses are among the biggest users of information technology. Still, too many are still using suboptimal tools.

By Healthcare IT News 08:16 am March 20, 2014
The nursing profession is facing multiple challenges in the years ahead. From the Affordable Care Act and its focus on the introduction of electronic medical records, to the aging U.S. population, nurses are in for major change.