Data Warehousing

Lynn Carroll, COO of HSBlox
By HIMSS TV 02:55 pm October 27, 2023
Lynn Carroll, COO of HSBlox, discusses enterprise-level capabilities required for critical inputs into SDOH and other core processes, and the role of AI and machine learning to target the most vulnerable individuals.
Ann Maxwell, deputy inspector general for evaluations at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General.
By HIMSS TV 06:00 am October 25, 2023
CMS should get more information from Medicare users to help address their health disparities, suggests Ann Maxwell, deputy inspector general for evaluations at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General.
Charles Sevior at Dell Technologies_ sponsored video_Aerial view of Jakarta Central Business District at sunset/Hani Santosa/iStock/Getty Images Plus
By 09:38 am October 18, 2023
Efforts to connect data from various sources at the population level must also emphasize the principle of simplification, says Charles Sevior, Dell Technologies CTO for Unstructured Data Solutions.
Deepak Sadagopan and Duncan Weatherston_Flashing lights and interconnected dots_MD SHAFIQUL ISLAM / Creatas Video+ / Getty Images Plus
By HIMSS TV 06:00 am October 13, 2023
The cochairs of FAST Deepak Sadagopan and Duncan Weatherston say FHIR standards provide a consistent pathway to address the variability and costs of payer and provider data exchange and achieve interoperability goals.
Chris Brice, EMEA healthcare director at Hyland.
By 06:31 am September 19, 2023
Consolidate a hospital's image repositories into one central archive to make data accessible to patient EMRs and researchers (while also streamlining admin and security), recommends Chris Brice, EMEA healthcare director at Hyland.
HIMSS President and CEO Hal Wolf
By HIMSS TV 06:00 am August 11, 2023
HIMSS President and CEO Hal Wolf says health equity requires designs that are tolerant of more basic infrastructure and that balance data access versus data protection.
Dr Cátia Pinto, international affairs unit coordinator at SPMS in Portugal
By HIMSS TV 06:00 am August 08, 2023
SPMS' Dr Cátia Pinto explains how Portugal will advance its digital health transformation with the EU R&R fund. Citizens will have access to their health records in a national data lake that will integrate with EHDS.
Edward Yurcisin, chief technology officer at the NCQA with Professor writing on blackboard as a background
By HIMSS TV 06:00 am July 27, 2023
Edward Yurcisin, chief technology officer at the NCQA, says the organization is using its open-source CQL engine to digitize HEDIS measures and others to improve the quality of healthcare in the U.S. and internationally with FHIR.
Futuristic Petri dish scan
By HIMSS TV 06:00 am July 24, 2023
The prospect of LLMs filling gaps in data and generating insights based on what's missing has huge potential, says Payel Das, principal research staff member and manager in the Trusted AI department of IBM.
Philipp Jan Flach, LOGEX's CEO
By 10:33 am July 19, 2023
According to LOGEX's CEO, Philipp Jan Flach, in order to unlock the value of the fragmented data collected from "point solutions," we need to aggregate it using interoperable standards.