Benjamin Harris

Benjamin "Benzo" Harris is a contributing writer to Healthcare IT News and former new media producer for HIMSS Media. Follow him on Twitter: @BenzoHarris.

By Benjamin Harris 03:03 pm August 03, 2021
In advance of his presentation at HIMSS21, MedStar Health Chief Information Officer Scott MacLean offers some perspective on how he and his team managed remote collaboration and more.
X-Ray images
By Benjamin Harris 03:47 pm July 22, 2021
At HIMSS21, a radiologist will describe recent efforts to define a common ontology of image labeling, with the goal of helping clinicians across specialties better understand a patient's full picture.
By Benjamin Harris 03:45 pm May 07, 2020
In a HIMSS20 Digital presentation, leaders from Google Cloud, Nuance and the Health Data Analytics Institute offer their perspectives on how AI-powered insights and automation are helping health systems push forward.
By Benjamin Harris 11:08 am April 29, 2020
Healthcare organizations shouldn't just pursue new projects for their own sake, say digital health leaders from Thomas Jefferson University. Success comes from keeping track of the good they do.
How HIE can improve mental healthcare in prison
By Benjamin Harris 01:13 pm February 28, 2020
Sharing patient data with prisons can help more effectively manage behavioral care.
Connecting with patients for end of life care
By Benjamin Harris 12:49 pm February 27, 2020
At HIMSS20, a Providence St. Joseph CMIO will show how the health system is using analytics and automation to enable the right conversations for the right people.
Making the case for strong IT in facility security
By Benjamin Harris 12:41 pm February 27, 2020
How rapidly evolving new technologies are changing hospital security.
By Benjamin Harris 10:55 am February 10, 2020
Update: HIMSS20 has been canceled due to the coronavirus. Read more here.
By Benjamin Harris 12:20 pm February 07, 2020
But Providence St. Joseph Health Chief Digital Officer Aaron Martin sees a near future when hospitals will meet their disruptors halfway.
By Benjamin Harris 11:54 am February 06, 2020
The modern cyber threat landscape means health systems can't take any chances on their networks. At HIMSS20, one expert will describe the ethos of "never trust, always verify."

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