Andrea Fox

Andrea Fox is Senior Editor at Healthcare IT News. She has 20 years of experience covering numerous beats, including digital modernization, public health, environment and utilities, transportation and government policy and operations.

Examples of the app's screens
By Andrea Fox 10:17 am August 15, 2022
The new features streamline the acquisition of patient health metrics through connected medical devices, consolidate patient medication information, protect patient data when accessed by home health care providers and more.
By Andrea Fox 11:09 am August 12, 2022
With help from Xealth's digital prescribing platform, the recovery center's care teams can now order, deliver and monitor targeted patient engagement resources within their clinical workflows.
By Andrea Fox 10:42 am August 11, 2022
For its first mobile augmented reality use case, UCHealth will give patients and others a chance to interact with virtual dogs while they sit in real waiting rooms.
HHS headquarters
By Andrea Fox 09:57 am August 10, 2022
The agency is funding workforce development and data modernization efforts to improve health outcomes and promote health equity in rural and underserved communities.
By Andrea Fox 10:39 am August 09, 2022
More than half of respondents to a new survey say their healthcare organizations experienced one or more cyberattacks in the past 24 months involving connected medical devices.
Department of Veterans Affairs Motto
By Andrea Fox 10:03 am August 08, 2022
The agency announced that Dr. David Massaro will assist the deployment of the Oracle Cerner EHR to ensure improved adoption and patient safety.
Using telehealth
By Andrea Fox 10:30 am August 05, 2022
The new release of the athenaOne EHR and practice management suite includes DrFirst's RxInform automated patient messaging to help patients follow prescribed treatment plans.
Sharp Healthcare
By Andrea Fox 10:54 am August 04, 2022
The health systems will collaborate with the New York-based AI startup to integrate representative patient data for an equitable healthcare platform for clinical practice diagnostics and decision-making.
Health Catalyst
By Andrea Fox 10:54 am July 29, 2022
The multiyear partnership will see the 63-hospital Tennessee health system deploying an array of analytics tools to advance patient care and boost population health.
By Andrea Fox 10:06 am July 28, 2022
The EHR vendors are each adding new apps to their developer programs and marketplaces targeting referral management, personalized medicine and wound care, respectively.

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