Accountable Care

Person in lab coat looking at computer display
By Susan Morse 10:24 am August 18, 2023
Episode-based payment incentives must be aligned across other value-based models, CMS says.
By Mike Miliard 10:05 am August 10, 2023
As they grapple with rising costs, three in four C-suite leaders say recent artificial intelligence advancements will "reshape the industry," according to a new Bain & Company report. But just 6% have an organizational plan to harness it.
Zack Tisch of Pivot Point Consulting
By Bill Siwicki 10:37 am July 26, 2023
Health systems able to offer this will not only be better positioned to survive external pressures, says one artificial intelligence expert, but will also help set the bar for critical best practices for future patient-provider relationships.
Physician and patient have a telehealth consult
By Andrea Fox 10:59 am July 14, 2023
University of Texas researchers found that symptoms of certain diseases are more difficult for patients to communicate and doctors to observe over video. Other limitations mean little cost-reduction benefit from telehealth when compared to in-person care.
Dr. Don Rucker, former National Coordinator for Health IT, discusses interoperability at HIMSS Global Health Conference & Exhibition
By Andrea Fox 08:44 am June 21, 2023
Dr. Don Rucker, now chief strategy officer with 1upHealth, weighs in on where TEFCA is headed and his fundamental concerns about veering away from the way the rest of industry computes.
Clinician talking on phone to a patient screening for SDOH
By Andrea Fox 11:04 am June 19, 2023
The factors influencing health outcomes occur outside of traditional healthcare settings, but tools that effectively capture and use social determinants of health data can help providers advance health equity.
Person talking to healthcare provider on a tablet
By Jessica Hagen 01:52 pm June 16, 2023
The company will use the funds to release new offerings to providers and payers, expand its reach nationally in 2023 and establish a presence in all 50 states in 2024.
Two people examine groceries
By Andrea Fox 12:41 pm June 13, 2023
To help payers and providers manage the social determinant factors of value-based care, the company will deliver groceries and medications that healthcare coordinators order for patients.
Digital image of a brain with light beams that represents generative AI
By Andrea Fox 09:55 am June 07, 2023
LeanTaaS rolls out an AI autopilot in beta for its iQueue operations platforms, Carbon Health launches charting with artificial intelligence in its EHR and Clarify Health opens up Clara, its AI copilot, to select healthcare organizations.
Brandon Clark at Equality Health on value-based care
By Bill Siwicki 09:56 am June 01, 2023
An expert in accountable care and value-based reimbursement talks about approaching the payment model from the perspective of primary care providers, and discusses the IT tools they need.