Charles Alessi

By Charles Alessi 05:24 am July 13, 2020
The pandemic has inevitably made discussions about the use of data even more urgent as we strive to find solutions to dilemmas around managing personal privacy argues Dr Charles Alessi, chief clinical officer at HIMSS.
By Charles Alessi 02:50 am May 19, 2020
Precision medicine’s equivalent for people who are not necessarily ill, precision health, is only now starting to be developed. 
By Charles Alessi 06:55 am November 21, 2019
Dr Charles Alessi, chief clinical officer at HIMSS, outlines how the 2030 patient would have access to their customised care and wellness record. 
By Charles Alessi 09:56 am July 15, 2019
Charles Alessi, HIMSS chief clinical officer, looks at the impact of patients becoming more informed, assertive and engaged in their care.

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