Infographic: One doc's clicks per day

By Healthcare IT News
09:57 AM

Representing analytics data mined from an electronic health record, this chart shows the daily technology interaction of a typical physician and her staff: 24 patient visits over 16 hours for a total of 2,541 clicks.

Created by Burlington, Mass.-based Arcadia Healthcare Solutions, the infographic offers a visual representation of data, deep within the EHR, typical of that mined by Arcadia to show detailed interactions between the provider, support staff, patients and the software itself.

The aim is to show how IT interactions impact patient wait times, provider efficiency and documentation.

"In the first graph, a morning huddle with Dr. Jones and her team is shown by hundreds of actions in the charts of upcoming patients before the first visit begins. Throughout the day, the distance between the scheduled start time of a visit and the first 'click' by Dr. Jones paints a picture of increasing wait times, contributing to patient dissatisfaction," according to Arcadia.

"In the second graph, thousands of interactions across months of visits are aggregated for each provider within the system, enabling a comparison of efficiency and documentation quality between providers. Unsurprisingly, the upper-left quadrant is vacant, showing the viewer that capturing high quality documentation is very hard to do in an efficient and timely matter."

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